What is Manipulation Under Anesthesia in Vineland?

What is Manipulation Under Anesthesia in Vineland?

Chiropractic Vineland NJ Female Doctor

Our team uses Manipulation under anesthesia in Vineland NJ because of the benefits. Manipulation under anesthesia (MUA) is a procedure I have been performing for many years. We have an extremely high success rate, in excess of 90% in getting people’s pain levels down. I have been performing the procedure in my Vineland location for many years now and am always happy to see patients come out of pain.

What Is Manipulation Under Anesthesia?

Manipulation under anesthesia is a procedure that has been around since the 50s and 60s. It is seeing something of a renaissance in current times and many patients are getting back to pain-free lives because of it. It is a procedure that takes place in a surgical setting and is only for a certain type of patient – namely a patient who has been suffering from chronic pain for many years and all other treatments bar surgery have helped. So they have tried chiropractic, physical therapy, interventional pain management, injections, medication, etc. It’s the last resort before surgery.

Now, these more conventional treatments may in fact help the patient, but the clue to it requiring MUA comes in the form of these treatments working for a short period of time, and then the pain returns. Even if exercising, doing yoga, and things like that which may help temporarily, the condition returns and still provides the patient pain.

So, anyone with an underlying dysfunctional joint, eg lumbar spine, where the joint is unable to move freely, muscles around it tighten and contract, and the area becomes inflamed, painful and range of motion is severely impaired may be a candidate for manipulation under anesthesia.

How the condition occurs in the first place is through a dysfunctional joint and the surrounding muscles all begin rubbing together, causing friction. This creates inflammation and collagen is formed. Think about when you rub your hands together, they get warm due to friction. Now keep rubbing them together, and over time they will become sore, hotter and callouses will form. Ultimately, they will become painful.

Patients may find temporary relief with various treatments and exercises, but if the dysfunction is not dealt with, over many years it gets worse. The scar tissue build-up decreases the range of motion, the area does not function correctly, and everything becomes worse. It’s a snowball effect. Essentially, the underlying reason for the problem is not corrected. This is what MUA will help to do.

How is Manipulation Under Anesthesia Done In Vineland?

The goal of manipulation under anesthesia is to break up all of this scar tissue and adhesions that surround the joints and muscles. This break up will free the joint and allow it to function and move better and break up the cycle of friction and inflammation.

The procedure is done under anesthesia, so you will be in a surgical setting. Normally, the procedure is performed three times, once per week, and takes about 20 minutes each time. The patient’s joints are put through a series of stretches and adjustments, which breaks the scar tissue up. You can probably understand the reason why it is done under anesthesia as performing these maneuvers on a patient who is awake would be too much.

Once the procedures are done, the patients then follow up with regular physical therapy and chiro care along with exercises to do at home. After the procedure, it’s likely you will feel sore, but you will begin to feel a lot better in comparison to before.

I have performed hundreds of these procedures and see a very high success rate and have seen so many people lose their pain and able to enjoy life again. It is a great alternative to surgery.

If you have been suffering for a long time and nothing has really helped, then you may be a candidate for MUA. Give me a call (856) 690-8883 or contact me on Facebook and we can examine you and see what we can do for you.


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Back Pain Relief Center

1133 East Chestnut Avenue #2
Vineland, NJ 08360

(856) 690-8883